Oct 15, 2009

"KISS" Would you Like To Learn The 10 Zen Quotes That Will Melt Your Lovers Lips Into Yours?

SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - MAY 11: Couples kiss at a...

Image by Getty Images via Daylife

I had trouble finding out what to write in my next blog post (this post) and some how I stumbled upon the idea of writing about Juicy Kisses.

Well you know what I mean! I said damn a Post about kiss would get the attention of my readers since I'm sure they are all exposed to it and it will excite their mood a bit.

I have realised that a person can often easily find them self connecting to quotes like these since its universally true. No matter where you come from, it will make since to you because lets hope so you've been there in some point in your life.

Like this naughty little poem would bring anyone in their naughty and playful mood if delivered correctly.

             Kisses blown are kisses wasted
             Kisses aren't Kisses unless they are tasted
             Kisses spread germs and germs are hated
             So kiss me baby; I am vaccinated

                          By:Some Cool Person

             Here is another naughty little playful quote:
             A peach is a peach a plum is a plum
             A kiss isn't a kiss without some tongue
             So open up your mouth and close your eyes
             And give your ton some exercise

What is kissing like?

             Kissing is like drinking salt water
             You drink and your thirst increases

                          By:Chinese Proverb

And here is to the sales women, who like to be aggressive:

             I have found men who didn't know how to kiss.
             I've always found time to teach them

                          By:Mae West

Lets get more passionate about this sweet thing called kiss and see what the devotees have to say about it.

             A kiss makes the heart young again
             and wipes out the years.

                          By:Rupert Brooke

Mmm I like this one:

             Soul meets soul on lover's lips.
             By:Percy Byshe Shelly

             You may forget the face of the beloved
             But not his kiss

                          By:Some Aficionado

             Ancient lovers believed 
A kiss would literally unite their souls 
             Because the spirit was said to be
Carried in one's breath
                          By:Eve Glicksman

Here is a real Zen Quote:

             Kisses that are easily obtained are easily forgotten
                          By:Some Professional

             A kiss is something you cannot give without taking
             And you cannot take without giving

                          By:Some Cool Guy

Last but not least if I had to some a man's true desire about his true beloved, it would go something like this:

             A man had given all other bliss,
             And all his worldly worth for this
             To waste his whole heart in one kiss
             Upon her perfect lips

                          By:Alfred Lord Tennyson

I hope you enjoyed reading these and I hope it reminded you of some special moments in your life as it reminded me.

Now you can leave you comments, ideas, suggestions, stories or share your feelings below I would love to hear it. :)